Things were sold exclusively in brick-and-mortar stores
limited inventory
mainstream products
Introduction of the online marketplace
unlimited inventory
niche products
"With the evolution of online retail, however, has come the revelation that being able to recategorize and rearrange products on the fly unlocks their real value." - Chris Anderson
The Tasting Booth Experiment (Iyengar and Lepper, 2000)
"30% of the consumers in the limited-choice condition subsequently purchased a jar of jam; in contrast, only 3% of the consumers in the extensive-choice condition did so"
User-item ("utility") matrix
, gender
, spoken language
movie genre
, year of release
, cast
We will be representing our data as a Pandas DataFrame.
represent features, rows
represent itemsimport numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sklearn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
Dataframe contains 4 columns:
We need this data to perform collaborative filtering.
ratings = pd.read_csv("")
userId | movieId | rating | timestamp | |
0 | 1 | 1 | 4.0 | 964982703 |
1 | 1 | 3 | 4.0 | 964981247 |
2 | 1 | 6 | 4.0 | 964982224 |
3 | 1 | 47 | 5.0 | 964983815 |
4 | 1 | 50 | 5.0 | 964982931 |
Dataframe contains 3 columns:
We need this data to interpret the results of our collaborative filtering recommender.
movies = pd.read_csv("")
movieId | title | genres | |
0 | 1 | Toy Story (1995) | Adventure|Animation|Children|Comedy|Fantasy |
1 | 2 | Jumanji (1995) | Adventure|Children|Fantasy |
2 | 3 | Grumpier Old Men (1995) | Comedy|Romance |
contains users' ratings for a given movie. Let's see how many ratings, unique movies, and unique users are in our dataset.
n_ratings = len(ratings)
n_movies = ratings['movieId'].nunique()
n_users = ratings['userId'].nunique()
print(f"Number of ratings: {n_ratings}")
print(f"Number of unique movieId's: {n_movies}")
print(f"Number of unique users: {n_users}")
print(f"Average number of ratings per user: {round(n_ratings/n_users, 2)}")
print(f"Average number of ratings per movie: {round(n_ratings/n_movies, 2)}")
Number of ratings: 100836 Number of unique movieId's: 9724 Number of unique users: 610 Average number of ratings per user: 165.3 Average number of ratings per movie: 10.37
How many ratings did each user make? Let's use pandas' groupby() and count() to:
user_freq = ratings[['userId', 'movieId']].groupby('userId').count().reset_index()
user_freq.columns = ['userId', 'n_ratings']
userId | n_ratings | |
0 | 1 | 232 |
1 | 2 | 29 |
2 | 3 | 39 |
3 | 4 | 216 |
4 | 5 | 44 |
mean_n_ratings = user_freq['n_ratings'].mean()
print(f"Mean number of ratings for a given user: {mean_n_ratings:.2f}.")
Mean number of ratings for a given user: 165.30.
Let's visualize the distribution of movie ratings in this dataset, and distribution of user rating frequency. We can do this using a Python package called seaborn.
# PLOT 1
ax = sns.countplot(x="rating", data=ratings, palette="viridis")
ax.set(title="Distribution of movie ratings")
# PLOT 2
ax = sns.kdeplot(user_freq['n_ratings'], shade=True, legend=False)
ax.set(title="Number of movies rated per user", xlabel="# ratings per user", ylabel="density")
plt.axvline(user_freq['n_ratings'].mean(), color="k", linestyle="--")
To find the "best" and "worst" movies, we need to calculate the mean rating for each movie in our dataset. We can do this by grouping by movieId
and calculating the mean of the rating
mean_rating = ratings.groupby('movieId')[['rating']].mean()
rating | |
movieId | |
1 | 3.920930 |
2 | 3.431818 |
3 | 3.259615 |
4 | 2.357143 |
5 | 3.071429 |
lowest_rated = mean_rating['rating'].idxmin()
movies.loc[movies['movieId'] == lowest_rated]
movieId | title | genres | |
2689 | 3604 | Gypsy (1962) | Musical |
highest_rated = mean_rating['rating'].idxmax()
movies.loc[movies['movieId'] == highest_rated]
movieId | title | genres | |
48 | 53 | Lamerica (1994) | Adventure|Drama |
I'm sure that this movie is great but it doesn't sound like a familiar blockbuster. Let's dig deeper and see who rated this movie.
userId | movieId | rating | timestamp | |
13368 | 85 | 53 | 5.0 | 889468268 |
96115 | 603 | 53 | 5.0 | 963180003 |
While Lamerica may have the "highest" average rating, it only received 2 ratings. This isn't a good measure of a movie's popularity. The quality of a movie's rating depends not only on the average rating but also on the number of ratings.
$$r_{i} = \frac{C \times m + \Sigma{\text{ratings}}}{C+N} $$
We first need to get the count
and mean
for each movie in our dataset. We can do this with a sophisticated groupby
that applies both mean
and count
using the agg
movie_stats = ratings.groupby('movieId')[['rating']].agg(['count', 'mean'])
movie_stats.columns = movie_stats.columns.droplevel()
count | mean | |
movieId | ||
1 | 215 | 3.920930 |
2 | 110 | 3.431818 |
3 | 52 | 3.259615 |
4 | 7 | 2.357143 |
5 | 49 | 3.071429 |
Let's calculate the Bayesian average. We first write a function that computes the Bayesian average for a given movie.
C = movie_stats['count'].mean()
m = movie_stats['mean'].mean()
def bayesian_avg(ratings_i):
bayesian_avg = (C*m+ratings_i.sum())/(C+ratings_i.count())
return bayesian_avg
We can apply bayesian_avg
to our entire ratings dataset using the agg
bayesian_avg_ratings = ratings.groupby('movieId')['rating'].agg(bayesian_avg).reset_index()
bayesian_avg_ratings.columns = ['movieId', 'bayesian_avg']
Which movies have the highest Bayesian average rating?
movie_stats = movie_stats.merge(bayesian_avg_ratings, on='movieId')
movie_stats = movie_stats.merge(movies[['movieId', 'title']])
movie_stats.sort_values('bayesian_avg', ascending=False).head()
movieId | count | mean | bayesian_avg | title | |
277 | 318 | 317 | 4.429022 | 4.392070 | Shawshank Redemption, The (1994) |
659 | 858 | 192 | 4.289062 | 4.236457 | Godfather, The (1972) |
2224 | 2959 | 218 | 4.272936 | 4.227052 | Fight Club (1999) |
224 | 260 | 251 | 4.231076 | 4.192646 | Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) |
46 | 50 | 204 | 4.237745 | 4.190567 | Usual Suspects, The (1995) |
Using Bayesian averages, we can see that Lamerica is no longer the top movie.
Which movies have the lowest Bayesian average rating?
movie_stats.sort_values('bayesian_avg', ascending=True).head()
movieId | count | mean | bayesian_avg | title | |
1172 | 1556 | 19 | 1.605263 | 2.190377 | Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997) |
2679 | 3593 | 19 | 1.657895 | 2.224426 | Battlefield Earth (2000) |
1372 | 1882 | 33 | 1.954545 | 2.267268 | Godzilla (1998) |
1144 | 1499 | 27 | 1.925926 | 2.296800 | Anaconda (1997) |
1988 | 2643 | 16 | 1.687500 | 2.306841 | Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987) |
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
def create_X(df):
Generates a sparse matrix from the ratings dataframe.
df: ratings dataframe
X: sparse matrix
user_mapper: dict that maps user id's to user indices
user_inv_mapper: dict that maps user indices to user id's
movie_mapper: dict that maps movie id's to movie indices
movie_inv_mapper: dict that maps movie indices to movie id's
N = df['userId'].nunique()
M = df['movieId'].nunique()
user_mapper = dict(zip(np.unique(df["userId"]), list(range(N))))
movie_mapper = dict(zip(np.unique(df["movieId"]), list(range(M))))
user_inv_mapper = dict(zip(list(range(N)), np.unique(df["userId"])))
movie_inv_mapper = dict(zip(list(range(M)), np.unique(df["movieId"])))
user_index = [user_mapper[i] for i in df['userId']]
movie_index = [movie_mapper[i] for i in df['movieId']]
X = csr_matrix((df["rating"], (movie_index, user_index)), shape=(M, N))
return X, user_mapper, movie_mapper, user_inv_mapper, movie_inv_mapper
X, user_mapper, movie_mapper, user_inv_mapper, movie_inv_mapper =create_X(ratings)
Let's see how sparse our matrix, $X$, is. We can calculate matrix density, $d$, with the following equation:
$d=\frac{\text{# non-zero elements}}{\text{total # elements}}$
density = X.count_nonzero()/(X.shape[0]*X.shape[1])
print(f"Matrix density: {round(sparsity*100,2)}%")
Matrix sparsity: 1.7%
Wow, our matrix is quite sparse. But don't be discouraged! User-item matrices are typically very sparse. A general rule of thumb is that your matrix density should be no lower than 0.5% to generate decent results.
from scipy.sparse import save_npz, load_npz
save_npz('user_item_matrix.npz', X)
<9724x610 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>' with 100836 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>
We can load it again using load_npz
X = load_npz('user_item_matrix.npz')
<9724x610 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>' with 100836 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>
k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN) is a classification algorithm that predicts the label of a given sample based on majority vote of its nearest $k$ neighbours.
Distance between two samples can be measured using cosine similarity
, Euclidean distance
, Manhattan distance
, etc.
$$\text{similairity}=\frac{A \cdot B}{\mid{A}\mid\mid{B}\mid}$$
$$d(p,q) = \sqrt{(p_1-q_1)^2 + (p_2-q_2)^2 + ... + (p_n-q_n)^2}$$
Let's create a function that finds $k$ similair movies for a given movie.
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
def find_similar_movies(movie_id, X, k, metric='cosine', show_distance=False):
Finds k-nearest neighbours for a given movie id.
movie_id: id of the movie of interest
X: user-item utility matrix
k: number of similar movies to retrieve
metric: distance metric for kNN calculations
list of k similar movie ID's
neighbour_ids = []
movie_ind = movie_mapper[movie_id]
movie_vec = X[movie_ind]
kNN = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k, algorithm="brute", metric=metric)
if isinstance(movie_vec, (np.ndarray)):
movie_vec = movie_vec.reshape(1,-1)
neighbour = kNN.kneighbors(movie_vec, return_distance=show_distance)
for i in range(0,k):
n = neighbour.item(i)
return neighbour_ids
We can test out our function by passing in a movieId
. We'll create a dictionary that maps movieId
to movie title so that we can better interpret our results.
In this case, movie_id = 1
is Toy Story. We'll set k = 10
and use our default metric, cosine similarity
. This means that we're looking for the 10 most similar movies to Toy Story.
movie_titles = dict(zip(movies['movieId'], movies['title']))
movie_id = 1
similar_ids = find_similar_movies(movie_id, X, k=10)
movie_title = movie_titles[movie_id]
print(f"Because you watched {movie_title}...")
for i in similar_ids:
Because you watched Toy Story (1995)... Toy Story 2 (1999) Jurassic Park (1993) Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4) (1996) Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) Forrest Gump (1994) Lion King, The (1994) Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) Mission: Impossible (1996) Groundhog Day (1993) Back to the Future (1985)
Let's repeat the process but this time using Euclidean distance.
movie_titles = dict(zip(movies['movieId'], movies['title']))
movie_id = 1
similar_ids = find_similar_movies(movie_id, X, k=10, metric="euclidean")
movie_title = movie_titles[movie_id]
print(f"Because you watched {movie_title}...")
for i in similar_ids:
Because you watched Toy Story (1995)... Toy Story 2 (1999) Mission: Impossible (1996) Independence Day (a.k.a. ID4) (1996) Bug's Life, A (1998) Nutty Professor, The (1996) Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971) Babe (1995) Groundhog Day (1993) Mask, The (1994) Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1989)
(n_users, k)
(k, n_items)
that we can use to reduce our matrix from (n_users, n_movies)
to (n_users, n_components)
where n_components
represents number of latent features. from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=25, n_iter=10)
Z = svd.fit_transform(X.T)
print(f"The shape of our compressed Z matrix is: {Z.shape}.")
The shape of our compressed Z matrix is: (610, 25).
Let's apply our find_similar_movies
function to our new Z matrix.
movie_id = 1
similar_movies = find_similar_movies(movie_id, X=Z.T, metric='cosine', k=10)
movie_title = movie_titles[movie_id]
print(f"Because you watched {movie_title}:")
for i in similar_movies:
Because you watched Toy Story (1995): Powder (1995) Sabrina (1995) Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995) Get Shorty (1995) Casino (1995) Four Rooms (1995) Nixon (1995) Copycat (1995) Money Train (1995) Assassins (1995)
When we reduce the dimensions of our original user-item matrix to (n_users, 30)
, we get the recommendations shown above.
new_X = svd.inverse_transform(Z).T
print(f"Dimensions of original user-item matrix: {X.shape}, {type(X)}")
print(f"Dimensions of SVD-reconstructed X matrix: {new_X.shape}, {type(new_X)}")
Dimensions of original user-item matrix: (9724, 610), <class 'scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix'> Dimensions of SVD-reconstructed X matrix: (9724, 610), <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
Let's try generaing top N recommendations for a user in our dataset. We'll look at userId
5. Which movies did this user rate highly?
userId = 5
user_preferences = ratings[(ratings['userId']==userId)&(ratings['rating']>=4)]
user_preferences = user_preferences.merge(movies[['movieId', 'title']])
user_preferences.sort_values('rating', ascending=False).head(5)
userId | movieId | rating | timestamp | title | |
11 | 5 | 296 | 5.0 | 847434748 | Pulp Fiction (1994) |
8 | 5 | 247 | 5.0 | 847435337 | Heavenly Creatures (1994) |
21 | 5 | 595 | 5.0 | 847434832 | Beauty and the Beast (1991) |
20 | 5 | 594 | 5.0 | 847435238 | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) |
19 | 5 | 590 | 5.0 | 847434747 | Dances with Wolves (1990) |
Now, let's predict which movies userId 5 will also like based on their previous ratings. We need to do the following:
We can use np.argsort()
to grab top $N$ indices for userId=5
top_N = 10
movie_titles = dict(zip(movies['movieId'], movies['title']))
top_N_indices = new_X[user_mapper[userId]].argsort()[-top_N:][::-1]
print(f"Top {top_N} Recommendations for UserId {userId}:")
for i in top_N_indices:
movie_id = movie_inv_mapper[i]
Top 10 Recommendations for UserId 5: Puppet Masters, The (1994) Heat (1995) Beautiful Girls (1996) Chasers (1994) Timecop (1994) Little Women (1994) Birdcage, The (1996) Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys) (1995) Sliver (1993) Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave (1995)